Will You Be Fasting With Us?

Welcome to a special 3-day devotional journey focused on the theme “God’s Design For Sexuality.” In these brief yet impactful days, we will delve into foundational truths from Scripture, setting the tone for deeper reflection and understanding.

As we embark on this condensed journey, let us approach these topics with open hearts and minds, seeking God’s wisdom and guidance in the midst of cultural debates and shifting perspectives. Through prayer, Scripture study, and thoughtful reflection, may we glean insights that equip us to engage with love, grace, and biblical truth.

Though brief in duration, may these three days serve as a catalyst for ongoing growth, dialogue, and discernment in our journey of faith. Let us lean on the Holy Spirit for illumination, trusting that God will lead us into deeper understanding and alignment with His will.

May this abbreviated devotional journey be a source of encouragement, conviction, and empowerment as we seek to honor God in every aspect of our lives. Let us begin with hearts expectant, minds attentive, and spirits yielded to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Join Us On This Epic Journey

Fasting is not a discipline that we can ignore in our journey with Christ. Instead, it must become a significant part of our faith walk with Him. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus addresses the discipline of fasting. He said to the crowd, “And WHEN you fast…”

He was implying that fasting would be something they would engage in regularly in their life. If fasting was an expectation of the first followers of Christ, it is also expected of 21st century believers.


Daily Devotional Messages